12 Reasons why babies cry and how to soothe them
12 Reasons why babies cry and how to soothe them
Teething 101: What to expect and what to do! Reading 12 Reasons why babies cry and how to soothe them 7 minutes

We all go through those sleepless nights and restless days when our babies cry, cry and cry – and we feel clueless and helpless, as we don’t know what to do to make them stop. Parent can be so exhausting at times! But if we see from the babies’ point of view, we’ll have to understand that crying is the only way they can tell us about their discomforts! 

As adults, when we are unable to communicate, we feel like crying out loud, but being a grown up, we control our impulses. The situation is the same with babies – they cry to communicate their needs and feelings since they can't talk yet. Understanding why your baby is crying and knowing how to soothe them can make a big difference for both you and your little one. 

We always say that A Toddler Thing is constantly working towards making parenting a little easier for you. So we bring to you the 12 common reasons why babies cry and some simple ways to calm them down.

How to soothe a fussy baby - some simple tips

Take a deep breath, and try one or more of these tips when your baby is fussing too much -

  • Stay calm: Babies can sense your stress, so stay calm.
  • White noise: Soft, consistent sounds like a fan or white noise machine can help soothe your baby.
  • Movement: Gentle rocking or walking with your baby can be calming.
  • Sucking: Try breastfeeding them, or offer a pacifier.
  • Routine: Establish a consistent daily routine to help your baby feel secure.

Parenting 101: How to soothe a crying baby

We know you all are too eager to know, so without making you wait, we are diving straight into the reasons, and tips to soothe the little ones - 


Why do they cry….

What to do to soothe them….


Hunger is one of the most common reasons babies cry. Newborn babies have small stomachs and need to eat frequently.

  • Breastfeeding: Offer the breast if you are breastfeeding. Babies often show hunger cues like sucking on their hands or making lip-smacking noises before they start crying.
  • Bottle feeding: If you are bottle-feeding, offer a bottle. Ensure the milk is at the right temperature.

Dirty Diaper

Just like (some) adults, they also don’t want to be dirty! A wet or dirty diaper can make your baby uncomfortable and fussy.

  • Check diaper: Regularly check your baby’s diaper and change it promptly if it’s wet or soiled. 

Use gentle wipes to clean your baby’s bums to prevent diaper rash.


Babies need a lot of sleep. If they are tired but can’t fall asleep, they may cry.

  • Create a calm environment: Dim the lights, reduce noise, and create a peaceful environment for your babies.
  • Rocking and swaddling: Rock your baby gently or swaddle them in a soft blanket to help them feel secure and fall asleep.

Need to Burp

Babies often swallow air while feeding, which can make them uncomfortable and cause crying. All they need at that time is a good BURP!

  • Burping: Hold your baby upright against your shoulder and gently pat or rub their back until they burp. 

 Try to burp your baby during and after feeding.

 If your baby cries after burping also, better to look for other reasons.


Too much noise, light, or activity can overwhelm your baby, leading to fussiness and crying.

  • Quiet time: Move to a quieter room and reduce the level of stimulation. 

Hold your baby close and speak softly.


Colic is a condition where babies cry for extended periods without an obvious reason. It usually occurs in the first few months.

  • Comforting techniques: Try holding your baby in different positions, rocking them, or using a pacifier. 
  • A warm bath or gentle tummy massage might also help.

Need for Cuddling

Babies need physical contact and cuddling to feel safe and secure.

  • Hold your baby: Spend time holding and cuddling your baby. Skin-to-skin contact can be very soothing for newborns.

When you cuddle your baby, cries after breastfeeding stop immediately.


Your baby might be uncomfortable due to clothing, temperature, or a minor illness.

  • Check clothing: Make sure your baby’s clothes are not too tight or too loose and that there are no irritating tags or seams.
  • Adjust temperature: Ensure the room is at a comfortable temperature—not too hot or too cold.
  • Check the bed – Make sure your baby’s bed is comfortable. Use a soft fabric, like a muslin dohar, to ensure softness and comfort. 


Teething can cause discomfort and pain, leading to crying.

  • Teething toys: Give your baby a clean, cold teething toy to chew on. Make sure the material is safe for babies.
  • Gentle massage: Gently rub your baby’s gums with a clean finger.


So if you are wondering, “why is my baby fussy after eating?” - Gas could be the reason.

  • Tummy time: Lay your baby on their tummy for a short period to help release gas. Make sure they are lying down on a soft yet firm surface.
  • Bicycle legs: Move your baby’s legs in a gentle bicycling motion to help relieve gas.


If your baby is sick, they may cry more than usual. 

Look for other signs like fever, vomiting, or diarrhoea.

  • Consult a doctor: If you suspect your baby is ill, contact your paediatrician for advice.
  • Comfort the baby: Keep your baby comfortable, offer fluids, and follow your doctor’s recommendations.

Growth Spurts

During growth spurts, babies may be hungrier, more tired, or fussier than usual.

  • Feed more often: Offer more frequent feedings during growth spurts.
  • Extra cuddles: Provide extra comfort and cuddles as your baby goes through these changes.

How A Toddler Thing can help you calm your crying baby- 

With time, every parent becomes more and more attuned to their baby’s cues and cries, making it easier to provide the comfort they need. A Toddler Thing can help you by offering various things that can help your baby stay comfortable, calm and at ease, thereby reducing their discomforts. 

  • Take our muslin baby clothing for example, so soft and comfortable that your baby’s going love slipping into one. 
  • Our muslin jhulas or thottils, which can rock your baby into sleep when they feel tired and irritated.
  • Our amazing cloth diapers that not only keep wetness away, but also help you avoid rashes.
  • Our soft muslin baby blankets, which are their perfect companions during colder months.
  • Our muslin bibs and wipes, which can help you to keep them dry and clean during playful meal times.

These are just a few of the things that we offer here. 

Well, how do you soothe your crying baby? Let your fellow-mommies and daddies know too! Comment below and share your parenting wisdom with all!